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Dear users; you can connect to wireless network broadcasts in our university in three different ways.
1- KSBU Wireless Network Broadcast:

Using your corporate e-mail address and password defined by our IT Department, you can connect to the KSBU wireless network broadcast without any additional settings. After connecting to this publication, your internet browser asks you to enter your corporate e-mail address and password, so that you can recognize you and access the internet. If you do not log out of this network broadcast, you will be logged on 24 hours a day.

2- KSBU-Misafir Wireless Network Broadcast:

This network can be connected to our guest users who visit our university. In order for our guest users to use this network broadcast, they must first apply from the Guest User Application screen. Our guest users can log on to our university's wireless network broadcast during the Visit Period specified when applying. If you do not log out of this network broadcast, you will be logged on 24 hours a day.

3- eduroam Wireless Network Broadcast:

Both at our university and at national or international eduroam wireless broadcasting, once the necessary settings have been made, you can connect to the eduroam wireless network broadcast. To join the eduroam network, you need to adjust the necessary settings for whichever operating system you are using from the eduroam Settings menu. Our users can use this wireless network broadcast unless the settings of the eduroam wireless network broadcast are deleted.